Definition of physical abilities - What it is, Meaning and Concept

A capacity is a quality or condition.The physical , meanwhile, is that linked to the material or the body.

The physical capacities are called the conditions that an organism presents, usually associated with the development of a certain activity or action .These physical capacities are determined by genetics, although they can be perfected through training.

It is possible to differentiate between conditional physical capabilities and coordinative physical capabilities . conditional capabilities are speed , strength , resistance and flexibility .This means that conditional physical abilities are linked to the possibility of making a movement in the least amount of time possible, to overcome a resistance thanks to tension, to maintain an effort over time or to reach the maximum possible travel of an articulation.

The coordinative physical abilities , meanwhile, are those that allow the disposition of actions in an orderly way to reach a goal.The reaction , the rhythm , the balance , the orientation , the adaptation , the differentiation and the s Inronization or coupling are part of this kind of physical capabilities.

It can be said, in short, that physical abilities determine the motor performance of an individual.To improve performance in a sport , therefore, work must be done to optimize physical abilities.through specific exercises.In this way it is possible to improve speed, strength, balance, reaction, etc.

It is important to keep in mind, however, that physical abilities also set a limit set by genes that cannot be overcome with training: no person can run at two hundred kilometers per hour no matter how much you train.

The limits of physical abilities are one of the most recurrent topics of debate among specialists in various fields in which the use of the body is essential to achieve the objectives, such as sports and artistic disciplines such as dance , the singing and the execution of an instrument.On the one hand there are those who ensure that we all have a limit , different in each individual, while others firmly believe that with effort and dedication we could all achieve the same goals.

Training and improvement of physical abilities make a huge difference between the possibilities that natural talent gives us and those that open before us once we have accessed to technical knowledge.Let us take the case of singers: in popular music, it is common for them to use their natural skills to sing their songs, applying their own style but without many technical foundations; In academic music, on the other hand, the display of ability that can take place in a recital is on a much higher level.

This is where many of the confrontation and debate points arise, as some people refuse to study technique for fear of conditioning their creativity, while others do not doubt it because they want to take advantage of their abilities physical to the fullest.As with many other similar issues, all opinions are valid as long as each one reaches fullness.

For those who do recognize differences in the physical abilities of each individual, the limits are not always understood as a measure to assess the potential but as a series of data that can help us find the most suitable for us.For example, a person with a light voice and low volume has more affinity with baroque music than with a Wagner opera, just as someone of great complexion and stature surely feels more comfortable doing rough sports than trying luck in contortionism.
