Logic Definition - What it is, Meaning and Concept
The science that is based on the laws, modalities and forms of scientific knowledge is known under the name of logic .It is a formal science that lacks of content as it focuses on the study of valid inference alternatives .That is, it proposes to study the methods and the appropriate principles to identify the correct reasoning against which it is.
The etymology lets you know that the term 'logic' has its origin in the Latin word logÄca , which in turn derives from the Greek logikos (from logos , "razon" or "study" ).The Greek philosopher Aristoteles , experts say in historical matters, he pioneered the use of the notion to name the checking of arguments as indicators of truth within science, and when presenting syllogism as a valid argument.
No obstant e, we cannot ignore that throughout history there are many other figures who have contributed with their ideas and approaches to develop this science.So, for example, during the Middle Ages, the role that Averroes carried out must be stressed , the Cordovan philosopher who, among other things, stated that it was essential to study the logic of the old masters to, from there, proceed to "philosophize" in the right way.
Already in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries one of the characters that most addressed the issue of logic was Immanuel Kant.This is considered one of the most important and influential thinkers in history and stands out for the fact that in this matter that concerns us established a new concept: transcendental logic.
A term that with which said philosopher of Prussian origin tried to define the process by which the human being must carry out an investigation of what would come to be the pure concepts of categories of transcendental type or also of what is the exact understanding.
Hegel, Augustus De Morgan, John Venn or Gottlob Frege are other authors who have excelled in the field of logic and especially the latter that caused an authentic revolution with their theories.Aristotle, as the most important logician in all of history, is that he established the concepts of proof, predicate logic or formal language.
Aristoteles is considered the father of the formal logic .Instead, the informal logic refers to the methodical examination of the probable arguments from the oratory, the rhetoric and the philosophy , among other sciences.Its objective is the recognition of paradoxes and fallacies, as well as being an effective resource to construct speeches correctly.
The Natural logic is the natural ability to reason without appealing to science.The so-called fuzzy or fuzzy logic , however, is one that contemplates a certain uncertainty when analyzing the true or false character of the propositions, similar to the reasoning of the human being.
On the other hand, mathematical logic is characterized by using an artificial symbolic language and performing an abstraction of the contents.
There are other types or types of logic, such as the binary logic , which works with variables that only take two discrete values.
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