Definition of pletora - What is it, Meaning and Concept

The term pletora , from the Greek language, refers in its broadest sense to the abundance or the profusion of something .A he or she who has a pletora qualifies it as pletorico.

For example: “Throughout his vast career, the actor interpreted a plethora of memorable characters that they conquered the public ", " By his denunciations, the social leader won a plethora of enemies and even suffered several death threats ", " The president's speech was based on a plethora of lies ”.

Suppose a journalist presents a report about the history of a soccer club.To elaborate his work, he carries out an exhaustive investigation that allows him to gather a huge amount of information.That data provider is the strong point of your article.

Take the case of a city that experiences a real estate boom.that there is a pletora of works in progress , with constructions of all kinds under development.

It should be noted that the notion of pletora is used specifically in the field of medicine to refer to the excess of an organic fluid in a body part or in the organism in The concept is usually associated with blood , or particularly with the excessive level of red blood cells in the blood volume.

The pletora, in this context, is frequent in the newborns .That is why babies, after childbirth, usually have a reddish hue in the skin .It appears when there is a large number of red blood cells in the blood, a condition called polycythemia .

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