Global warming concept - Definition
The phrase global warming, arises from the research of the scientist of the University of California, Roger Revelle (1909-1991) appeared in "The hammond Times", in 1957, where it is noted that global warming and huge climatic changes would appear as a consequence of the greenhouse effect, due to the enormous amounts of CO2 released into the atmosphere.In 1975, the University of Columbia professor, Wallace Smith Broecker, used it in the title of a scientific report where he wondered if the Climate change could lead us to the edge of a pronounced global warming.One year later the Russian climatologist, Mikhail Budyko (1920-2001) declared the beginning of a “global warming.”
We can define global warming, phenomenon extremely dangerous, which puts life on Earth at risk, following NASA historian Erik M.Conway as “the increase in the average surface temperature of our planet caused by progress ivo greenhouse gas levels.”It is a concept closely associated with climate change, which is“ a significant long-term climate variation throughout the Earth or in an area of it.”The consequences are terrible: the sea increases its level, species are extinguished, there are climatic variations, acid rain, droughts, forest fires, etc.
Thanks to global warming, caused by carbon dioxide, the temperature of the atmosphere and that of the Oceans grows.The ozone layer, which is a protective cover of the sun's rays has been damaged by these pollutants.As causes of aggravation we can mention, the use of nitrogen fertilizers, the felling of trees and the burning of fossil fuels, among which we can name carbon and gasoline.Factories are one of the most important environmental pollution factors, which are causing the greenhouse effect.Another factor that causes the phenomenon is decom position of organic waste, which produces anaerobic fermentation.
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