Definition of Tantric - What it is, Meaning and Concept
Tantrico is that pertaining to or related to tantra or tantrism .This adjective is already part of the dictionary of the Spanish Royal Academy (RAE) .
Tantra is an esoteric tradition that is based on the desire to achieve spiritual realization.The term can be translated as " loom ”, “ fabric ” or “ warp ”, since it refers to continuity.
There are variants of tantra in Buddhism , Hinduism and other religions.According to some historians, tantra arises from a series of writings of the century VI aC elaborated by Buddha .
In Buddhism, Tantrism is marked as a fast road to illumination .The Tantras ( Tantra teachings) are written symbolically and constitute a guide for life.
Hinduism, meanwhile, highlights that male and female energies are integrated through tantra, obtaining total pleasure and reaching elevation.Relaxation and breathing techniques linked to tantra that are applied to eroticism are known as tantric sex .
In the western world, tantra is usually associated with sexual practices that seek a better use of energy .Experts speak of neotantra to refer to this current which is based on sexual union and neglects spiritual aspects.
As with yoga and other millenary practices, the westernized version of tantra loses spiritual relevance and depth and is more associated with the body than with religion.Many see tantra as a technique to improve sexual life and nothing more.
The main goal of tantric practices is to make the illumination of our consciousness wake up.Its benefits are many; some of them are linked to sexual life, but in general they point to a better knowledge of ourselves, with the consequent improvements that entails.When the sexual life of a couple improves, it becomes richer, the climate between the two people it becomes more harmonious, confidence in the other increases, they begin to communicate in a more intense and close way, and all this inevitably affects the intellectual plane.
Tantric practices offer us a way not to let go from our youth, they revitalize us, they renew us, they make us feel that we have more energy than before carrying them out.Self-esteem also benefits from tantra, given that by feeling better and with more strength to face life, our personal development is older, and a cycle begins in which we increasingly trust ourselves.
Learning to know each other more leads us to accept ourselves fully, with our virtues and our defects, and all this leads us to personal improvement.In addition, one of the benefits of tantric practices that is often ignored is that it makes us more capable of making important decisions, which makes uncertainty stages less frequent, since it makes us more practical beings.
Through tantra, life becomes more pleasant, the challenges that are presented to us every day seem more possible to overcome, and our senses become more acute, which makes us more perceptive and improves our intuition.neuronal stimulation that causes the direction of sexual energy towards our brain.
It should be mentioned that the large volume of energy that can be generated through tantric practices does not bring benefits on its own; It is necessary to learn to channel it in a productive way, so this knowledge must be approached with responsibility.To take advantage of the increase in vitality that Tantra offers us, we must be able to transcend the reality and limits established by our society in order to find absolute serenity.
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