Meaning of Aprehender (What is, Concept and Definition)

What is Aprehender:

Aprehender is to pick up or turn on an object illegally .The word apprehend is of Latin origin “ apprehendĕre ”conformed by the word“ ad ”which means “ a ” and“ prehendere ”that expresses“ perceive , grab ”.

The term apprehend not only refers to grabbing things, it also refers to the detention of a person who has committed a crime , for example: “the criminal who robbed the bank was apprehended.”

However, apprehending is linked to the learning of an activity or subject, since the referred word refers to assimilate or get to understand something , is the case of "she is unable to apprehend the entrusted activity".

On the other hand, the term apprehend is used as a synonym for: grab, grab, stop , imprison, among others.In turn, some antonyms of the word referred to are: drop, deliberate, leave.

The term apprehend translated into the English language is "apprehend".

Learn and learn

Learning is acquiring knowledge through study, experience or teaching .Instead, apprehending is assimilating knowledge without the need to study .Likewise, the knowledge acquired through learning In reference to these 2 terms for a better understanding, when studying is learned and when interacting with the environment is apprehended.

Likewise, the knowledge acquired through learning can be forgotten over time since the individual does not internalize it as in the case that the lesson studied in the university is not remembered every day, very different with the apprehension since the knowledge obtained is never forgotten, for example: putting on shoes.
