Definition of business - What it is, Meaning and Concept

The notion of business refers to the responsibility or obligation to do something according to a condition or this way, it means a commitment , a competition or a atribution.

For example: "All what happens in the border area is the responsibility of the Minister of Defense ", " Do not get into matters that are not your business ", " The municipal government can not do nothing about what happens in the port, since it is in an area of ​​responsibility of the national authorities ”.

There are issues of public concern and others of private concern .That which affects the society in general has public concern: the health of a president, the patrimony of a public official, the level of pollution of a river and many other issues.On the other hand, the issues that belong to the privacy of the people and that do not affect the community are of private concern (the preferred meals of an individual, sexual inclination, religious beliefs, etc.).

It is known as professional concern , on the other hand, to the potential capacity that a professional has according to the knowledge acquired during his training.Professional concerns, in this context, constitute the legal framework of the work of the expert according to his specialty.

The educational authorities of a country can modify the professional matters.Through the management of these matters it is defined what activities they can exercise and which not those who graduate from the careers.

The professional concerns of a graduate in Political Science , to name a case, include the development of research on the relations of power ; the organization and planning of public policies; and the realization of political analysis.
