Collection definition - What it is, Meaning and Concept

The first step that must be taken before beginning to discover the meaning of the term collection is to determine its etymological origin.Yes, we must know that it comes from Latin, exactly from the word “recapitare”, which can be translated as “collect a concrete sum of money ”and that is formed by two differentiated parts: the prefix“ re-”, which is synonymous with“ backwards ”or“ intensification ”, and the verb“ capitare ”.This is equivalent to“ paying the capitation ”, Which was a tax.

It is known as collection to the collection process (get or receive money or resources ).The term is also used to name the amount collected .For example: "The collection of the concert exceeded all expectations" , "The government expressed concern about the fall in revenue" , "Club leaders expect the collection of e This party allows them to balance their finances ”.

The most frequent use of the notion is linked to the mechanism provided by a State for the tax collection to the citizens.The process begins with the legal stipulation of the fees payable and contemplates various actions to ensure that all people and companies pay their share.collection process, the State can also pursue and punish those who do not meet their tax obligations .

The collection is very important because it allows the rulers to obtain the funds that they devote to the development of public works and to the maintenance of the State in general.When people do not pay the taxes , the collection and, consequently, the funds that a government has to build hospitals, maintain schools, etc.

In the case of tax collection, the contribution of money is mandatory .In other contexts, however, collection is a process that encourages to donate funds , without there being an obligation involved.This type of collection is carried out by non-governmental organizations and political parties to finance their projects and activities.

One of the areas in which the term collection is most used is in the cinema, and it is used to express the success that a movie is achieving in theaters from its premiere in them.There is a stipulation of the figures that are registering the different productions that are on the screen at that time and the relevant rankings are prepared.

Among the films that throughout history have raised more money around the world are "Avatar" (2009), which earned 2,788 million dollars; "Titanic" (1997), with 2,186 million dollars; "The Avengers" (1998), with 1,518 million dollars; “Jurassic World” (2015), with 1,513 million dollars and “Fast&Furious 7” (2015), with 1,511 million dollars.

On the opposite side, among the films that have obtained less revenue in the cinemas or that have led to greater economic losses are "The Fall of the Roman Empire" (1964), "Pluto Nash" (2002), "The Lone Ranger" (2013) or "The Legend of the Samurai" (2013).
