Meaning of Summer Solstice (What is it, Concept and Definition)

What is Summer Solstice:

It is known as solstice of summer to the astronomical event that marks the beginning of summer.The word solstice is of Latin origin "solstitium" , of "sun" and " statum" which means "static", that is, point where the sun's path appears to be standing.

The axis of the Earth is not perpendicular to its orbit, but has an angle of approximately 23.5 °, in this sense when the north point of the axis of the planet Earth is pointing directly at the sun, the day occurs length of the year and the shortest night, phenomenon known as summer solstice .

It should be noted, that there are two solstices, one coincides with the beginning of summer in one of the hemispheres, and in the opposite coincides with the winter solstice, which indicates the beginning of winter.In this sense, in the northern hemisphere the summer solstice occurs on June 21 when the sun passes by r the tropic of Cancer, and in the southern hemisphere on December 21 when the sun passes through the tropic of Capricorn.

Finally, some specialists indicate that it is more appropriate to be called the December solstice and the December solstice.

Winter solstice

The winter solstice is characterized as the astronomical event that marks the beginning of winter.The sun passes through one of the ecliptic points farther from the equator, causing the day to be the shortest and the longest night.

The winter solstice begins in the northern hemisphere on December 21, when the Sun passes through the tropics of Capricorn, and in the southern hemisphere, on June 21 when the Sun passes through the tropics of Cancer.

See also winter solstice.

Summer solstice traditions

Many ancient cultures, belonging to Europe or Latin America, ancient and modern-Celtic, Roman, among others-, celebrate the return of the sun, synonymous with that the crops have reached their peak.

You can also mention the famous bonfires of the Feast of St.John, celebrated on June 24 in European countries-Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom, etc.-, Latin America –Venezuela, Chile, Ecuador, Bolivia, among others-in order to give more strength to the sun, which from then on begins to become weaker until it reaches the winter solstice.

In addition to the above, fire symbolically has a "purifying" meaning for all the individuals who contemplate it, and they also believe that it helps to achieve a healthy state.
