Cana definition - What it is, Meaning and Concept

The Spanish Royal Academy ( RAE ), in its dictionary, recognizes almost twenty meanings of the term cana , which comes from Latin canna .The concept can refer to the stem that usually has knots and is hollow.

These stems belong to the plants from the gramineas family.By extension it is known as gray hair to certain plants, such as the Saccharum officinarum , the Ferula communis and the Arundo donax .

The Saccharum officinarum is also called sugar cane .From this species, as the name implies, you get the sugar which is used to sweeten the gastronomic preparations.The sugar cane, on the other hand, allows to produce cane honey or molasses.

In the same way, we cannot ignore that in some countries like Spain the term Cana is also used with another meaning.Specifically, when someone arrives at a bar and asks for a cane, they are asking for a beer with a certain size.Yes, the cane is larger than a short and more smaller than a fifth.

However, we cannot deny the existence of a wide variety of beverages that bear the word that concerns us in their name.An example of this are:-Cana fruit, which is a liquor with alcohol in whose preparation It is used both molasses and fruits that are macerated.-White cana.It is an alcoholic beverage that, sometimes, can be seasoned with caramel.-Brazilian cana or “cachaca”, which is a white distillate and with levels high alcohol that is prepared using sugarcane.It is considered that this product is the essential basis to prepare the cocktail known as “caipirinha”.-Clear Cana, which is a brandy that is made using also the sugar cane mentioned.

A fishing rod or fishing rod , on the other hand, is a device used to catch fish.In its origins this rig was manufactured with rod or natural wood, although synthetic materials are currently privileged.Bait is placed at one end of the rod with a hook or a hook: when the fish tries to eat the bait, it is hooked.The fisherman must then pick up the line (thread) by operating the reel to extract the fish from the water .

In addition, we cannot ignore that, in a colloquial way, in Spain, cane is also used as an adjective.Specifically, when it is used to refer to a person, it is intended to make it clear that this is “great” in various ways.Yes, for example, you can say: "Messi is the cane.Make plays that seem impossible."

The long bones of the arms and legs; a conical glass that is used to drink beer or wine ; the sector of the stocking or footwear that allows to cover from the foot to the knee; and tuetano (the substance inside a bone) can also be called cane.
