Meaning of Hermaphrodite (What is it, Concept and Definition)

What is Hermaphrodite:

Hermaphrodite is a word that refers to those organisms that have both sexes from the biological point of view.It is also the name of a Greek deity, the son of Hermes and Aphrodite.Therefore, the word comes from the Latin hermaphroditus , which in turn comes from the Greek ἑρμάφρόδιτός or hermaphroditos.

In the world of botany, there are species that have this characteristic of double sex by nature, a condition that receives the name of hermaphroditism.

As an example we can mention some such as apple, tomato and aji, among others.Human beings are not exempt from this, although it is not an inherent characteristic, but the result of a disorder in the sexual development of the subject.

The word hermaphrodite has the term androgino .

The myth of Hermaphrodite or Hermaphrodite

Hermaphrodite or Hermaphrodite is the name of the son of H Ermes and Aphrodite, divine characters of Greek mythology.Being a child of an adulterous relationship, Aphrodite did not raise him personally but instead gave him to the nymphs of the forest.

By becoming a full and attractive young man, Hermaphrodito went to bathe in the lake of the Salmacis nayade.This, seduced by its beauty, wanted to possess it and consummate its desire, but Hermafrodito made resistance.

Then, Salmacis begged the Olympian gods to join their bodies forever, so that they were only one.The gods agreed and, since then, Hermaphrodite acquired a body of double sex and lost their virility.

Hermaphrodite, consequently, also asked the gods that all those men who bathed in that lake, would suffer the same transformation as he, wish that was granted.

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