Transmission Definition - What it is, Meaning and Concept

Transmission is a term that comes from the Latin transmissio and refers to the action and effect of transmitting .This verb, on the other hand , is linked to transfer, transfer, disseminate, communicate or drive , depending on the context.

The mechanical transmission is the mechanism that is responsible for transmitting power between two or more elements of a machine, and this is usually done by rotating elements, such as gears with belts or chains.

By changing the speed of rotation of an input shaft, the transmission generates a different output speed.An example of the use of transmission appears in the case of cars.

It is known as heat transmission when the thermal energy passes from a body with a higher temperature to a body with a lower temperature.This transfer occurs in such a way that both bodies (or the body and its environment) ) reach thermal equilibrium.

The data transmission , on the other hand, is the exchange or sending of information in analog or digital format.It is said that television and radio transmit their programs, since these reach the public through antennas, cables and other devices.For example: "The transmission of Channel 12 was cut just when the president's speech began" , "No I like the transmission of the game: the camera is very far from the action ”, “ Thanks to the efforts of our advertisers, the transmission arrives live and direct to all corners of the country ”, "The recital will not enjoy television broadcasting, but can be heard on the radio or Internet" .

Sexually transmitted diseases

It is known by the name of sexually transmitted disease (STD) for any infection that is acquired through sexual intercourse with a person who previously possesses it, and its causes may be parasites, viruses or bacteria.

Much of these diseases are as common in men as in women, although very often the complications that result from them usually affect women especially.In the case of a pregnancy, in addition, the baby can also suffer consequences.

STDs caused by parasites or bacteria can be treated with certain medications, such as antibiotics; On the other hand, those that have a viral origin have no cure, although some drugs help keep them under control.To prevent the spread of a sexually transmitted disease, the use of latex condoms is advised; However, this precaution is not infallible.

Among the most common STDs are the following:

* Chlamydia: it is caused by bacteria and is spread during any type of sexual practice.It affects men and women alike.Normally, there are no symptoms, but it can cause a certain burning when urinating, or a secretion strange through the penis or vagina;

* genital herpes: the cause of the herpes simplex virus and is spread through penetration and oral sex.It usually causes sores in the genital or rectal area, on the thighs and buttocks It should be mentioned that the presence of these sores is not necessary for contagion to occur.Women can infect their children at the time of delivery;

* AIDS: acronym that represents the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome , the most advanced phase of infection caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).It can be contracted through sexual intercourse with someone infected, and babies can get their mothers in the womb or during childbirth;

* HPV: acronym for human papillomavirus , which can cause warts and occur in more than a hundred ways.A large part of these viruses are harmless, although a third are associated with an increase in the chances of getting cancer.
