Definition of carry - What is it, Meaning and Concept

The first thing we have to establish is the etymological origin of the term that we are dealing with now.In this sense, we can say that it derives from Latin, specifically, from the noun “carrus”, which can be translated as “wheeled vehicle”.

The notion of carry can be used in several ways.The first meaning mentioned by the Spanish Royal Academy ( RAE ) in your dictionary refers to the act of carrying : move something, generate damage.

For example: “I had to pay a thousand pesos for the haulage of my car to the mechanic shop” , “The hauling of soybeans will be suspended for a week due to a protest of the carriers ”, “ The government has yet to define how to carry out the gigantic statue from the port to the square ”.

In this sense, We can determine that it is a very important word regarding the transport of goods in the ports.Why? Because it is established that in order for the ships to be able to start up with the loads that they have to carry, it is necessary to have an important network of several transports that are in charge of hauling.

That is, there must be vehicles and companies specialized in what is the transport of these goods so that they can arrive well in advance of the dock and so they can be introduced into the boat.In the same way, it is essential that those also are responsible for carrying these loads from ships to their land destinations so that they can continue their journeys without any delays.

The usual thing in that second possibility is that trucks and vans, for example, devote themselves to take the goods from the ship in question to warehouses and then, in the next hours or days, proceed to the distribution of them to their Recipients: It is therefore that there has to be a solid logistics network that, with an exhaustive control, will proceed to transport these loads mainly to the recipients by road, which can be from shops to various industries.

The idea of hauling is also used in the field of geology .In this case, the term is used as a synonym for moraine (the cumulus of mud and rocks that a glacier makes) or pedregal (the earth covered with stones).

Hauling is also present in the math , more precisely in arithmetic.It is, in this case, a resource that is used in the sum to "transfer" one digit while calculating.

Suppose we want to solve the following operation : 57 + 36 .To calculate, we can sort the digits in columns.

57 + 36 In this way, we first add the digits of the column of lower power: 7 + 6 .In this case, the result is 13 .Therefore, we place the 3 as a result of that first operation and "we get along" the 1 , which goes to the other column. 1 , therefore, is the carry .Then, in this second column, we add 5 + 3 and we add the 1 of carry: the result of this sum is 9 .If we get then the final result of the operation: 57 + 36=93 .
