Definition of global - What it is, Meaning and Concept

Global is what refers to the planet or the globe.This adjective also allows you to name something that is taken together .The phrase "The global economy is in crisis" , for example, indicates that the economies of all the countries of the world are in a problematic stage.

The term became popular from the phenomenon of globalization , a process that involves the integration of countries into a single international capitalist market.Globalization, however, transcends the economy and includes cultural and social phenomena linked to communications, transport and technology .

At present, the notion of global products or processes is evident in everyday life.A man who lives in Spain can use a computer made in China to connect to Internet through a company of American origin and buy, on a website hosted on a Russian server, some shoes that were produced in Mexico All of these countries, linked in a phenomenon as simple as the one mentioned in the example, are a sample of the global society .

In addition to all of the above, we cannot ignore other uses of the global term today, so, for example, we find the fact that in Spain there is a periodic publication called “El Global "It is definitely a newspaper that revolves around the pharmaceutical world.

Medicines, pharmaceutical policy, current affairs in that sector, health or health in general are some of the issues that are part of the mentioned means of communication that has become the leader of this field thanks to the fact that it offers the maximum and best information about it.

In the same way, we cannot ignore the existence of an NGO that in its name makes use of the term that we are now analyzing in depth.We are referring to Global Humanitaria, a non-profit organization of international cooperation which has been working for years to improve the living conditions of those who live in disadvantaged areas around the world.

Asia, Africa and America are specifically the continents in which this entity has been operating since 1999.In them it carries out different plans and projects in areas such as education, health, safety, human rights , food or protection of children and women.

Among the many proposals it offers, it should be noted that it gives any citizen the possibility of collaborating with her through the alternative of sponsoring children to whom It offers them a present and a better future thanks to these monthly contributions made.

On the other hand, global warming is a phenomenon that makes reference to the increase in the average temperature on the Earth and to the theory that, through projections, argues that the temperature will continue to rise if the man does not change his behavior.

This phenomenon, whether natural or accentuated by man, demonstrates how a global mechanism works (the behavior of all countries affects the increase in temperature and, therefore, is generated global warming).
