Meaning of TDMA (What is it, Concept and Definition)
What is TDMA:
TDMA stands for Time Division Multiple Access , which in Spanish translates Multiple Access by Division of Time .As such, it is a wireless technology of second generation used in telecommunications.
TDMA digital cellular systems, in this sense, are capable of use a common channel for communications between multiple users, as the information units are distributed in several time slots.The channels, as such, can be divided into up to eight different time intervals.
Hence With TDMA technology, each user who makes a call is assigned a specific time slot for the transmission .Thus, several users can use the same channel at the same time without interfering with each other..
Also, because a phone only needs two spaces to send and receive an audio, the time or remaining can be used for other operations such as, for example, that the user has a call waiting signal or can switch between two calls.
TDMA technology, which began to be developed in the In the 1980s, it was not implemented until 1992 by some of the world's largest telecommunications companies.Currently, both in Europe and in Japan TDMA is used because it is a simple, very reliable technique, and widely tested in commercial communication systems.
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