Rock concept - Definition

Rock is a contemporary musical rhythm, characterized by being free, contestant and primitive.It comes from the term "Rock and Roll", whose translation from English to Spanish, is "rocking and rolling", a name that initially applied when they move from the ships before the marine movement, then I move on to denominate the movement that the young people made to the compass of this music towards the middle of the last century.

Several African-American musical genres combined to generate rock: gospel music, country, Irish folk music, jazz, blues and boogie woogie.

Representatives of this outstanding musical genre, they were among many others: 1.Elvis Presley (1935-1977) who was nicknamed the "King of Rock and Roll" and one of those to whom rockabilly paternity can be attributed, one of the first variants of rock and roll, with a dense and constant sound of various instruments (double bass, acoustic and electric guitar, drums, among others) and the use of echo, to express feelings of rebellion.2 The Rolling Stones, a band that emerged in London in 1962 and considered the precursors of rock contemporary 3.The Beatles, of great popular and commercial popularity, band born at the same time as the previous one, with revolutionary and progressive lyrics.4.Bob Dylan, born in 1941, started his activity in 1960, making a tour, qualified by its extension as interm Inable since 1980, delighting in original and ironic lyrics.

They derived from rock, for example, country rock, garage rock, psychedelic rock, etc.

On the other hand, David Rock, is the name of a historian and philosopher, born in England in 1945, who specialized in Argentine political and economic history.They can be mentioned among his works: "The Argentine radicalism", "The Authoritarian Argentina ”and“ Ruined Argentina ”.
