Carino concept - Definition

Perhaps derived from the Latin word "carere" that refers to lack, the carino appears as a longing, a desire to be with another being encouraged or inanimate, for which he feels appreciation and tenderness.

It is a feeling that is expressed in gestures, caresses, kisses, words, acts of protection and care: "I treat myself with love", "I feel very affectionate towards the ring that my father gave me, because he reminds me", "I work with love, because it is my vocation", "my puppy is very affectionate", etc.

We talk about mothers, fathers, teachers, friends or sweethearts, when referring to the exteriorization of that feeling, but it is also an attribute that many animals such as dogs and cats possess, when they express their affection either by moving the tail or licking in the case of dogs or purring in cats.It is a primary need in humans, since that without affection a child will grow without developing his affective abilities and both the minor and the adult can suffer depression, or problems of social adaptability.

The object of the carino can be as we said, a person, an animal , an object, a task, a profession.

It can be considered as a synonym for affection, as an inclination towards something or someone, or for love, although this last feeling is translated as something deeper, especially applied to couple relationships, although it can also be used to call the feeling of parents and children among themselves or to the love of God.Both affection, love, and love are noble feelings.

Carino is also the name of a Spanish municipality, located in Galicia, of high tourist value.
