Meaning of Original Sin (What is it, Concept and Definition)

What is Original Sin:

The term original sin originates from the Christian faith and is for them the origin and cause of the existence of sin in the world.

The Bible tells us that original sin existed on Earth when the first couple created by God, Adam and Eve, disobey him by being seduced by the serpent (representation of the devil), eating from the tree of knowledge of the good and evil and impregnating from that moment the existence of sin to the rest of humanity.

Original sin is the first sin that existed and became an acquired state and not an act committed.

Consequences of Original Sin

Some of the consequences that the Catholic church left behind original sin:

  • The world lost its original heavenly conditions.
  • The awareness of Adam and Eve of the loss of their innocence stained the natural human tendency towards good with the tendency towards evil and doing to sin.
  • Death or mortality is one of the consequences that God had warned Adam and Eve if they ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil or, also called, tree of the science of good and evil.

"...because the day you eat of him, you will surely die." Genesis 2:17

Forgiveness of original sin

Thanks to the blood of Christ, original sin is forgiven with baptism that grants sanctifying grace for the first time, in other words, grants birth to the spiritual life and the renewal of friendship with God.
