Meaning of Acerbo - What it is, Definition and Concept

Acerbo is an adjective that qualifies what is rugged and rough in terms of taste , that is, in relation to the sense of taste.The term acerbo comes from the Latin acerbus , which is formed with two parts: «acer» (sour, sharp, penetrating) and the Latin suffix «bus», and is often also used in relation to a kind of rough, hard or cruel language in its expression.

When the word "acerbo" is used to qualify a language modality, it is being qualified for its disappearable and rigorous characteristics.For example: «the boss strongly described the work of his employees with a critical discourse about labor."Or," he was a straight man, but with a strong character."" He had a hard and hard language towards subordinates that inspired not only respect but fear."

Acerbo and acquis

We must not confuse acquis with acquis since they are homophonic words, that is to say that they are pronounced in a similar way but have a different meaning., being able to refer to a lot of small things as a set of economic, moral or cultural goods.

It is a noun that refers to a set of small things that are common to many, such as the set of principles and moral values ​​ that are characteristic of a particular culture, which are accumulated and transmitted by inheritance or tradition."The singer increased the cultural heritage of his audience with the new song."

You can also talk about the acquis communautaire in relation to the set of rules, resolutions, jurisprudence, agreements and treaties that are respected between the states belonging , for example, to the European Union as part of its heritage community.

Synonyms of acerbo

rough, hateful, bitter, hard, ruthless, relentless

Antonimos de acerbo

soft, sweet, nice, kind, considerate, attentive, cordial
