What is preposition? »Its Definition and Meaning [2019]

The preposition establishes relations especially between the elements that form the simple sentence.The function of the proposition is to serve as a link between the elements of the sentence and its complements, so the preposition is always linked to a term of the relationship and forms with it a syntactic unit that, in the case of being lost, the meaning is altered, for example, "I paint the house in blue" the preposition "of" is eliminated and the sentence changes the direction I would say "I paint the house blue"

What are prepositions

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The prepositions establish very complex relationships with the words they accompany, until point that in many cases are essential for the meaning of a term to be complete.The prepositional relationship begins with a word of full significance, that is, by a verb, a noun, an adjective or an adverb.This element subordinates to the preposition with its term, so it is said that It is governed.For example, the verb “lack” is only constructed with a preposition “of”, “lack of means”, “lack of what is necessary” in this case it is said that the verb “lack” governs the preposition “of ".

The prepositions in Spanish are a group of words that do not vary and function as a union between the different parts of a sentence.Prepositions are responsible for indicating provenance, origin , address, destination, medium, starting point, place, time, etc.

The prepositions in Spanish are:

Ante, a, bajo, contra, fits, con, desde, , from, between, in, to, towards, by, for, so, without, according, after, as of 2009, the New Spanish grammar includes four new prepositions that are: by, versus, during and via.

The decision to include these last four propositions was due to the use that Hispanics give to these words, that is, the new prepositions "through" and "during" were the participles.The present tense of the verbs "mediate" and "last" could be written in the singular and plural, "mediating and lasting," these two words have now lost their concordance and have been integrated into the list of prepositions, for example.vacations, the fun increases ”,“ I expressed my condolences by means of a letter ”.

Examples of propositions

As stated above, the main function of a preposition is the linking of words in a sentence:

  • By force you will not achieve your goals.
  • In this part of the house you will find the photos of the whole family.
  • I was walking without knowing where to go.
  • The taxi will take you anywhere
  • The party is special for children.
  • When we realized it was before my eyes.
  • The tribute was made with much love.
  • The students are passed through an aptitude test.
  • The food was already cold when you you sat on the table.
  • Relations are broken between the two countries.

All Propositions

The proposals approved by the Royal Spanish Academy are

A Up to Ante Via Low To CabeSegunConSinContra So From About During After In Versus EntreVia

Promotional phrases are two or more words similar to a proposition, example:

-About.– In order to.-Next to-provided.-Around-below.-Before-within.-Above.

Study the prepositions in French in can be very complicated, the meanings of these words must be remembered and studied in an individual way, these usually refer to position, time and direction, but they can also establish other types of relationships.

Pair To learn the prepositions in French they must be divided into two groups, in this way it will be easier to study and memorize:

-Prepositions of address or position:

Prep French-English

a-in adans-enderriere-detrasdevant-in front of-in-entresous-under, under desur-over, over devers-towards, mint

-Prepositions of time or relationship:

apres-after deavant-before sailing-condans-en, en dedepuis-from, porjusqu'a-topar-porpendant-duringpour-parasans-sin

It is very important to learn prepositions in French, as they are essential in the formation of words and in the language domain.

The most common prepositions in English are "in" "on" and "at".

To talk about time, use “in” refers to the longest and least specific periods, it can be part of the year, month, day or season.Example:

  • I star to study in September September).
  • The weather is colder in winter.
  • Halloween is celebrate in October (Halloween is celebrated in October).

The preposition "on" refers to specific dates times such as days, example:

  • I´ll see you on Saturday.
  • Are we going to meeting on Monday? (Are we going to meet on Monday?).
  • My birthday party is on March 10th.

The preposition “ at ”is used at specific times.Example:

  • She will come tomorrow at night.
  • Breakfast is at 9: 00 am (Breakfast is at 9:00 am).
  • Christmas party starts at dusk.
