Definition of environmental hygiene - What it is, Meaning and Concept

Hygiene is a term that refers to the cleaning and the toilet .In the case of environmental hygiene , the concept is linked to maintaining the sanitary conditions of the environment to prevent it from affecting the health of the people .

More exactly we can say that environmental hygiene is the science that is dedicated both to prevention and control and to the improvement of the environmental conditions that surround us and that are basic and necessary to maintain perfect public health., therefore, to devote special care to air, water, natural resources, soil, flora and fauna, among other elements.

And it is that this hygiene depends largely on human beings having a good quality of life.Therefore they are within their field of action from the control of pests in homes or buildings through development of actions in the field of school or health hygiene, among others.

Environmental hygiene, therefore, implies the care of the chemical, physical and biological factors external to the person These are factors that could affect health: therefore, the objective of environmental hygiene is to prevent diseases from the creation of healthy environments.

The discipline that pursues disease-producing agents that were introduced into the environment by human action is known as environmental medicine .Environmental hygiene must take care of the health of both current generations and of future ones.

In this sense we can highlight that in recent years there has been an important work in environmental hygiene to try to end the so-called sporadic legionellosis, an infectious disease that appeared in the decade of the 70s.The origin of this pathology is unknown, although it is known that it is produced by the aerobic Gram negative bacterium.It is established that it is born fundamentally in what are the air conditioners, the cooling towers and even the stagnation of the water.

Hence, every year, especially during the summer season, the relevant authorities maintain a much more thorough control of the aforementioned elements to prevent citizens from becoming infected.

Environmental hygiene generally includes disinfection tasks (to control bacteria and organisms that are harmful to health), fumigation, disinfection and deratization.

For example: if someone throws toxic waste in a square, the State must take care of the corresponding cleaning through the offices linked to environmental hygiene.This will prevent children and the subjects that pass through the square become ill when in contact with such wastes.

Eliminating the rats of a public office is another example of how environmental hygiene is protected.These animals can generate various diseases in the human beings.The most common, if rats are found, is to evict the site in question and let the specialists act.


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