Meaning of Womanizer - What it is, Definition and Concept

The term womanizer is used to describe a man who usually tries to seduce several women at once or, who is unable to maintain an exclusive relationship for a long time, going from conquest to conquest or committing infidelities.

The womanizer man is usually very charismatic and presents himself as attractive .Because of their characteristics, womanfriends are not considered reliable or serious when it comes to establishing a relationship that goes beyond chance.

The term womanizer can also refer to what is related to women or a group of women, but this meaning is not used frequently, so it is generally used to describe male behavior.

The womaniegos do not manage to maintain lasting relationships, often falling into infidelities

The character of womanizer is only attributed to the male, being a characteristic of narcissistic people without interest in the feelings of the other , with difficulties to establish relationships based on love and mutual respect, since for him generally physical attraction is what matters.

A womanizer man will tend to lie and create a character to seduce his victims and maintain an attractive profile that allows him to sustain several relationships at the same time, but because of his behavior he rarely manages to hide or, He just doesn't mind saving appearances.

The riding horses sitting with both legs to the side is known as the womanizer , as it is the style used by the ladies to prevent their dresses or skirts from getting up , leaving his body exposed.

In literature the best example of the womanizer is Don Juan Tenorio in the work The Mocker of Seville of the Spanish poet Tirso de become a colloquial way to name these serial conquerors.

Examples of use of womanizer

  • Pedro's womanizer deceives his wife with his secretary
  • You can't trust your boyfriend's womanizer
  • Don't let her charm fool you, that guy is a womanizer that will make you suffer
  • Maria tends to ride the womanizer

Synonyms of womanizer

conqueror, don juan, seducer, faldero, casanova

Antonymes de womanizer

faithful, chaste, restrained
