Definition of scourge - What it is, Meaning and Concept

An uncertain etymological origin seems to be that it has the word lacra.And it is considered that it could possibly emanate from the praxis “lakkha”, from which I then derive the Latin term “lacca” and later the Portuguese word “lacre”.

A scourge is a vice , whether physical or moral, that marks the person who has it.In some Latin American countries, the term is used to name the depraved or evil person .

For example: "Alcohol is a social scourge that threatens public health" , "He is a good boy, but he must carry a scourge from his childhood" , "Do not approach that man, it is a scourge that will harm you" .

The meaning of lacra varies according to the country and the jargon in question.In Argentina , a scourge can be a Tacana person (avara ) or someone who is considered a social parasite , who does not contribute to the common good but takes advantage of others: "Do not be lacra and buy a gift to your girlfriend" , "The workers do not have to keep those blunders that live without effort" .

Lacra can also be a social scourge that affects the normal and healthy development of a community : "Child exploitation is a scourge we have to fight together" .

At present it is considered that in the world there are many social scourges that are affecting the quality of life and the well-being of citizens.Yes, for example, among those stand out both gender violence and pedophilia through corruption policy, which has been increasing progressively in recent years.

In the same way, it is established that the individuals who carry out any of the aforementioned blunders have in common a series of personality characteristics, among them they would emphasize that they always criticize and lower others, who have the ability to speak continuously of themselves, who do not respect the rest, who are not tolerant of others...

All the above mentioned scourges are considered to be part of a 21st century in which other modalities of those are also established.In particular, it is established that there are also unfortunately some that have already been dragging from previous stages such as, for example, racism and even homophobia.

Of course, it should not be overlooked that unemployment would also be on that list, which, due to economic crisis and corruption, has become an evil that is affecting millions of people around the world, taking them even to the poverty line.

Indiscreto (in Colombia ), belonging to the lowest social class (in Costa Rica ), bad person (in Ecuador ) and Malviviente (in Mexico and Nicaragua ) are other meanings that can be attributed to the notion of scourge: "Carlos is a scourge that told our secrets at the party" , "My parents would be horrified if I told them that I was dating a scourge" , "That scourge that attacked the girl must be in prison" , "A scourge stole my grandfather's retirement" .
