Definition of evil - What it is, Meaning and Concept
The condition of bad is called evil .The term comes from the Latin word malĭtas .
The notion also refers to the unfair or harmful act .For example : “Don't you get tired of doing evil? You should be ashamed ”, “ I think the player did not have evil, he just went to play the ball and ended up injuring his rival by accident ”, “ Only a man full of evil you can mistreat your child that way ”.
Evil, therefore, is associated with what constitutes a evil .An action that is carried out with evil seeks to generate damage or, at least, to its executor is not interested in its consequences, however negative they may be.
Suppose two young men enter a humble chapel and destroy the place , breaking religious figures and the altar.These boys had no objective but to destroy the temple for fun .Against this background, it can be said that the vandalos acted with evil , causing pain and anguish in all the faithful who came to that place.
Sometimes, the evil is implicit in the action, even if the behavior in question has a objective .If a thief intercepts an old man in the street and hits him to steal his wallet, in There is a great deal of evil in his act: I take advantage of the vulnerability of an elderly man, physically hurt him and subtract him the money that the victim surely needed to survive.Of course, beyond the consideration made regarding evil and the moral issue, theft is a crime that is punishable by the law .
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