What is Enzymatic Kinetics? »Its Definition and Meaning

Enzymatic kinetics is a science that is responsible for examining the speed of the chemical reactions in which enzymes participate.This analysis on velocity and the Enzyme activity , allows to obtain a deep knowledge about the method of action of the enzyme, the role it plays within the metabolism, how its activity is controlled inside the cell and how it can be inhibited by the drug bear or other types of substance.

In general, enzymes are proteins capable of handling other molecules without causing any type of alteration by the reaction.These molecules of the The so-called "substrates." These molecules have the ability to fuse to the active site of an enzyme.This means that the substrate binds to a certain area of ​​the enzyme, resulting in a catalysis, which means the attainment of a product, from a substrate.All this is possible thanks to enzymatic action.

It is important to keep in mind account that certain enzymes have the particularity of merging to different substrates and depending on whether they can obtain different products.For example, a protease has the ability to manipulate different proteins to obtain a variety of polypeptides.There are also cases where the enzyme can be fused to two substrates at the same time, an example of this occurs with the DNA polymerase , which binds to the chain of DNA and a nucleotide, to add it to the chain.

The speed of the Enzymatic catalyzed resistance becomes proportional (to a certain extent) to the substrate concentration.That is, when the density of the substrate is low, certain parts of the enzyme molecules have a free active site.If the amount of substrate increases, these sites.Free assets will eventually join you; which would accelerate the reaction rate substrate products.Now, if that amount of substrate continues to increase, there will be a time when there will be no more free active sites, which will prevent the reaction speed from continuing to grow.In this case, it is said that the enzyme is saturated.

Finally, it can be said that the two most prominent features within enzymatic kinetics are the time it takes for an enzyme to saturate and the speed maximum that the reaction catalyzed by this enzyme can get.
