Definition of school dropout - What it is, Meaning and Concept

The abandonment is the act and the result of abandoning : leaving something, moving away from it. School , meanwhile, is that linked to the school (the educational center where instruction is provided).

The notion of dropping out , thus, refers to distance of a student from an educational institution before the end of the stage he was taking.In other words: when a student stops attending school even though he is not yet complete Your training is incurring school dropout.

Dropping out of school is a social problem .Those people who do not complete the compulsory training set by the State do not have the necessary knowledge to successfully enter the market In this way, they can only aspire to get informal or precarious jobs, without the possibility of progress.It can be said that these individuals are at disadvantage compared to those who did complete their school studies.

For children, access to education is a right .That is why dropping out of school makes the child a victim .On the other hand, due to mandatory of schooling, parents who allow a child to leave school are responsible for this circumstance.

In general, dropping out of school is related to other social problems.There are parents who, in the absence of money , cannot send the child to school as they fail to pay the expenses of transfer, food, study material, etc.In turn, the need to generate income leads adults to make children work.If school dropout occurs.To avoid this, the State must ensure that the family accesses the material resources necessary for their subsistence and for the child to complete their studies.

In Spain, for some time, it has been working intensely in order to dramatically reduce the dropout rates, and the country is in the highest positions with respect to that factor in Europe.

The studies carried out in this regard have come to leave data as interesting as about school drop-out such as the following:-There is a higher percentage of men than women who bet on leaving the classroom.-Countries with higher figures of this parameter in the old continent, in addition to Spain, are Romania and Malta.In front of these, where these data are lower are Poland, Slovenia or Croatia, among others.-In the educational level where there is less dropout rate is at the university.

Numerous are the resources that are considered to exist to prevent the phenomenon of school dropout.However, among the most significant are the following:-Tools and resources available to the student to help study and improve their outcome academic.-Campaigns launched by the authorities to raise awareness of the importance of having an academic training, both personal and work-level.-Implement new methodologies that help to significantly improve what is the school performance of students.-The union and cooperative work of the entire educational community, where both parents and teachers and students are involved.-Collaborative projects that come to promote the training, learning and desire of students to train in order to achieve the future that they want.
