Elongation concept - Definition

Elongacion is the action and effect of the elongar verb that proceeds in its etymology of the Latin "elongare" whose meaning is "to lengthen."

It is applied in Astronomy, at angular distance, which seen from Earth, exists between a planet and the Sun or between a planet and its corresponding satellite.

In Mechanics, it is used to refer to any elongation that occurs in a tensile material, before it breaks if it is rigid, or if it is elastic when it exceeds the limit of its elasticity.Example: “By elongating both the elastic band, I end up cutting.”

In Medicine it is the result and the action of stretching a nerve or a muscle.Many exercises contribute to the elongation that is very beneficial if done in the right way.sciatic nerve, can contribute to decompress it when it is causing pain, and elongation of the legs before and after exercise also has many benefits.

There are specific disciplines that are dedicated to teaching appropriate elongation techniques such as yoga or pilates, which use certain postures and gentle movements for the muscles to stretch.

The activity of elongation that consists of the eccentric muscular contraction, seeking to separate the insertion points in the muscles, has multiple advantages in addition to preparing the body for exercise and sport, and doing so without harming, by preventing the muscles are tense.Indeed, elongar promotes cardiac activity, regenerates muscles, decreases lactic acid in the muscles and improves joints.

Each exercise, needs a particular and particular elongation, recommended as a generality, start by elongating the large muscles and then the specific ones.

Bone elongation is a surgical practice that involves lengthening the bones or correcting certain congenital malformations in both orthopedics and jaw problems.
