Meaning of Impunity - What it is, Definition and Concept

Impunity is an adjective that refers to that which is not punishable , that is to say that it is unpunished, receives no penalty or penalty.Derived from the Latin impunitatis which means freedom absolute, debauchery, lack of punishment, impunity qualifies situations or people who do not suffer a sanction, which are unscathed and have no conviction in court.

In law, the consequence of the conduct that constitutes a Infringement of a legal norm, is punishable by a sanction that can be criminal, civil or administrative, depending on the type of breached norm or infraction committed.

To speak of impunity is to refer to a behavior contrary to that established by the regulations of a community, which received no penalty .It may be a minor traffic violation that threatens the physical safety of people, such as crossing a red light or exceeding the permitted speed limits; or be the commission of any crime that violates the physical integrity and life of people such as the criminal crime of homicide or rape.

Impunity is the absence of responsibility criminal, civil or disciplinary by the perpetrator of a crime, which escapes any investigation to prosecute, impute, detain and prosecute it with the purpose of establishing a conviction or compensation for the damage caused to his victim.

In international law, impunity arises when the commission of a crime that threatens human rights is not punished, denying victims the possibility of repairing the damage caused.

Generally occurs in countries whose tradition of the rule of law is absent, suffer from political corruption or weakness of the judiciary and security forces.

In Argentina, several laws prevented the condemnation of crimes against humanity committed by the military dictatorship, such as the due obedience and final point laws issued in the years 1986 and 1987, generating impunity for the military that committed them.

Synonyms of impunity

release, exemption

Antonimos of impunity

sanction, punishment
