Definition of disclosure - What it is, Meaning and Concept

Of the Latin disclosure , disclosure is the action and effect of disseminating (disseminate, promote or publish something to make it available to the public ).For example: "The German scientist performed a tireless task for the dissemination of this discovery" , "We had a good product, but we failed to disseminate it" , "The president was outraged by the dissemination of the issues discussed at his last meeting with the ministers" .

The disclosure, therefore, may be associated with the task of press and communication .What is published or broadcast by the media is being disseminated, since such content is within the reach of society.That is why when a company wants to promote a novelty, usually go to the press so that this is the vehicle that takes its news to people.

It is known as scientific dissemination to the task of processing r and disseminate scientific knowledge in a way that is accessible to the general public.This activity is usually carried out by scientists or specialized journalists who have extensive knowledge about the subject matter and who put their efforts in translating scientific language into colloquial speech..

Scientific dissemination can be done in any format, such as a magazine, a television program or an Internet site.Some television channels specialize in scientific dissemination, such as the Discovery Channel .most famous personalities dedicated to scientific dissemination stand out Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking .

It is worth mentioning that, in some cases, scientific dissemination loses its value since what is disseminated is false or erroneous information.Unreliable sources, in combination with the desire for fame and notoriety have resulted in a large number of documentaries of illegitimate nature, and the ease with which it is possible to reach the masses today gives more space to this type of fraud.

The Internet is, without a doubt, the most valuable tool when it comes to disseminating any topic or work, as it offers us different ways to reach people and obtain answers and opinions.Within this universe cybernetics, social networks are the easiest and most direct way to publish our ideas; they allow us to be constantly connected with a potentially considerable number of people from all over the world.

Among the most outstanding benefits of social networks is the fact that each user can share information with a number of people that they do not necessarily know each other, and that these repeat the procedure to begin a chain of dissemination of incalculable dimensions.Whether we want to make our latest book known, or that we advocate for the defense of animals, social networks are an excellent starting point.

On the other hand, always depending on our objectives, the Internet offers a host of services for dissemination.A very resounding example in recent years is the crowdfunding , which also receives the name of micromecenazgo or mass financing , among others.Basically, it is a channel to make an idea known and get the economic support of those who are interested in it, without the need for physical contact , face to face.

Thanks to the crowdfunding portals, it is possible to send ventures to people from all over the planet without any previous economic investment: just sign up for free in some of the various sites that offer this service and publish our project, accompanied by an attractive video in which our objectives are clearly explained.In general, to receive the approval of the company it is necessary to receive a certain number of positive votes from the other users.
