What is monograph? »Its Definition and Meaning [2019]

The term monograph, according to sources, comes from the Greek, composed of "monkeys" which means "only", "isolated" or "unique", in addition to the word "graphos" which means "I engrave" or "I write" plus the suffix "ia" that is used to form abstract nouns that express a relation to the primary lexeme.In general, the word monograph induces a written report or report about a specific subject. A monograph is generally an extensive work, which seeks to inform, it is argumentative, that shows and organizes all the data collected on a certain subject or subject, from various sources and that are usually analyzed in a critical way. There is talk of academic work and it is one of the most common addressed in colleges and universities.

As mentioned earlier this is a written work, with concise, clear and the form of writing must be correct; which can then be explained, clarified and defined orally, with spontaneous and thorough vocabulary. At the time of starting a monograph it is very important to introduce a subject, object of study, or subject to be able to delimit it, so investigate and gather all the necessary information on this subject, giving way to the formulation of hypotheses and present elements that may or may not deny these hypotheses, with a critical sense as personal opinion.

A monograph generally It is structured by a cover page where you must enter the title that reflects the object of the investigation, in addition to the name of the author, the advisor, the subject taught, institution, date and place; a dedication or thanks , which may be optional; a general index , here is a list of the subtitles found in the work assigning a page to each one; prologue if requested; introduction where you write about the problematic on the subject, the specific objective and the general objectives of this; a body of work , here it is organized by chapters and progressively goes from the general to the particular in the exposition of the evolution and presentation of the data; a conclusion ; the annexes , are supporting materials to deepen the issue; and finally the bibliography or bibliographic sources.
