Definition of composition - What it is, Meaning and Concept

Of the Latin compositio , composition is the action and effect of composing (put several things together and put them in order to form one; constitute something ).A composition can be an artistic work (literary, musical, etc.) or scientific.

For example: "The new composition of the Uruguayan singer demonstrates the influence of Bob Dylan in his creations" , "The Guatemalan writer surprised attendees with a raw composition about the reality of his country" , "A composition with various pieces of cloth shaped the winning picture of the third municipal art contest ”.

The notion of composition is often used in the educational field to name the text that the student develops from a topic, either given by the teacher or chosen individually, to improve their mastery of the language and its ability to express: "Tomorrow I have to give a free theme composition to my language teacher" , "Take note: make a composition about life in the colonial era, narrated in the first person ”.

For grammar , the composition is a procedure that consists of the creation of words from of the union of two words .In this way a new semantic and syntactic unit is generated: the term videoconference , widely used today, is a clear example of a compound word, since is obtained from the union of "video" and "conference" .

The composition can be developed from various lexical combinations (verb/noun, noun/noun, noun/adjective, adjective/adjective). "Corkscrew" , "mediodia" , "blanquiceleste" and "whoever" are linguistic compositions.

Composition, finally, is also a synonym of composure (moderation, modesty): "Keep the composition that there are important people here: fix your tie and try not to move so much" .

Most influential musical compositions in history

The last three hundred years of our history have given rise to revolutionary creations in all fields, from literature to technology, and music has always been present, as an inspiring source of other disciplines and as an infallible companion of souls more sensitive.Let's see below some of the compositions that have most influenced our development.

First, we have the legacy of Johann Sebastian Bach, one of the greatest composers of all time, born in Germany in the year 1685.Among his most important works is "Passion according to Saint Matthew", a choral piece of incomparable beauty and strength; It combines beauty and pain, with melodies that penetrate the deepest of the spirit, generating in the listeners a voragine of feelings and sensations.It is considered by many as the musical creation par excellence.

When talking about transcendent compositions, you cannot forget the music of Ludwig van Beethoven, another undisputed genius, also of German origin, born in the year 1770.As with Bach, some of his works are known by people from all areas and, without a doubt, none surpasses in popularity its « Sinfonia No.9 «.It is a composition of a wealth without equal, which has one of the most remembered melodies of all time: the unmistakable " Ode to joy ".

Finally, and not precisely because it is of less importance than the first two, is Wolfang Amadeus Mozart, composer of composers, born in Austria in 1756 and author of countless works of great popularity, as well as dark and controversial stories .When the word "requiem" is pronounced, it is impossible not to accompany it with the name of this prodigy.Its vision of this type of composition, destined for the deceased, is a clear example of its greatness and his humanity, his strength and his weaknesses.They especially emphasize his " Dies irae " and his " Lacrimosa ".
