Definition of border crossing - What is it, Meaning and Concept

The dictionary of the Spanish Royal Academy ( RAE ) recognizes more than thirty meanings of step .On this occasion we will keep your definition as the site that allows to move (move) from one place to another .

Border , meanwhile, is what is in the frontier : the border or boundary of a State .This means that borders define the territories that belong to different countries.

Based on these ideas, it is easy to understand that it is a border crossing .It is called the geographical point that allows you to enter or exit a country .

When a person crosses a border crossing, in this way, leaves a national territory and enters another .At the border crossings, various types of controls are usually carried out intended to determine the identity of the individuals making the crossing and to know what type of objects they carry.

The controls at the border crossings, in this context, prevent a person from law from entering a country or any person transferring illegal goods (such as drugs, weapons, etc.).

It is important to keep in mind that border crossings are terrestrial : the boundaries between airspaces or between jurisdictional waters are not considered, although the location of border crossings is determined through the politics , geographical features are often taken into account, such as a mountain peak, to mention a possibility.

The Jama pass is a example border crossing.It is located 4,200 meters above sea level and allows to go from Argentina (province of Jujuy ) to Chile (region of Antofagasta ) and vice versa.This border crossing is reached through paved roads from both nations.
