Definition of yerra - What it is, Meaning and Concept

The yerra is the act that consists of cattle marking using a hot iron .The concept also refers to the time in which these brands and the celebrations for the occasion are held.

Also known as hierra or fierra , the error has been carried out for thousands of years with the aim of signaling who owns the cattle .Beyond the brand made with iron sometimes appeals to other methods, such as the piercing of an ear .

Other interesting and curious facts about the error is that it is considered to be a tradition that was already taking place in Ancient Egypt.

It is established that undertaking the process of error can lead to out for two fundamental reasons:-The first one, as a way of being able to take greater control over livestock, of making the best administration of it and even of managing their diseases and particular situations of each animal.-The second reason is basically an action of prestige and differentiation of the owner with respect to other farmers.

Typically, the error is carried out in autumn due to the temperature: intense cold makes the task difficult, while excessive heat can contribute to the proliferation of insects and the infection of the mark.In many cases, the time of the error is also used to apply vaccines or castrate to the copies that will not be destined for reproduction.

The rural tradition relates the error with a festive occasion.That is why, in addition to the marking of the animals , it is common for different playful and social activities to be developed around the event.where the error is made, it is common that on the same day a banquet is held with roasted meat , there is music and games are organized, such as trick matches .

Generally, the mark of the error is made somewhere in the body that is visible from a considerable distance.Each owner has his own brand that identifies him and, at the same time, the difference.Many times the mark of the yerra is created using the initials of the person or the name of the establishment, decorated in different ways.

In addition to all of the above, we cannot ignore other relevant aspects regarding the field:-It is always advisable that the farmer in question has two types of irons for their cattle: one for what are adult animals and another for the rest.-It is established that when the iron is red hot it is the right time to apply it directly on the skin of the animal.At the moment in which it is perceived that smoke comes out, the hot piece must be removed because if delays a second can cause serious damage to the animal in question.That is, with a single second is enough, the iron mark will be engraved.-In the same way, you have to take into account that you do not properly make the error in an animal can bring with it can assume that then its skin cannot be used for other purposes.
