Supplement Definition - What it is, Meaning and Concept

Supplement , from the Latin supplementum , is the action and the consequence of supplement (supplant, change, solve a problem, add something that is missing).A supplement, like a complement , may be what is added to a thing to improve or perfect it.

It is known as a supplement, therefore, to the special section of a newspaper or other type of publication that is made up of contents of the same theme, independent of the main ones.For example: “A note came out to the soap opera's galan in the show supplement ”, “ Can you give me the computer supplement? ”, “ Tomorrow the architecture supplement comes out ”.

Thus, for example, we find the fact that the Spanish newspaper "El Pais" currently has several supplements such as "Domingo", which is published on the last day of the week; "Business" which, as its name indicates, revolves around the world of finance; "Babelia" which is cultural in nature; or "The Traveler" who wants readers to be perfectly informed about tourism and the most unique destinations.

For the geometry , supplement is the angle that is missing from a different one to form two right angles.That is, the supplement is the difference between a certain angle and a flat angle (180º).

In the grammar , supplement is used as a synonym for complement of verbal regimen .Some sentences with supplement are “Micaela is going to marry Eduardo” , "It is important to have your friends in difficult times" , "The young man took care of his mother while the doctors arrived" .

It is known as vitamin supplement to the mixture that contains vitamins and that is given to those who, due to a poor diet or another reason, suffer the lack of them.

It is possible to talk about dietary supplement when the mixture contains other substances intended to complement the diet, such as minerals, enzymes or amino acids.

In the same way we can not ignore the existence of what is known as a bodybuilder supplement.This is a type of substance that all those athletes who take by the discipline they practice require not only lose fat but also increase in a way palpable your musculature.

Among the most relevant bodybuilding supplements are those that are responsible for supplying proteins, anabolic steroids or food replacement products.The latter are also called MRP and have as their main mission to replace both micronutrients (vitamin A, iron...) as well as macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins...).

In role-playing games, a supplement is a document whose objective is to complement the rules manual.The supplement is responsible for detailing aspects that were not taken into account in the basic regulations.

Among the most important supplements that exist and that become basic tools in any role-playing game, those that exercise as supplements of rules, games, adventures and bells, guides and atlases, game screens and character sheets.These are documents that establish the qualities and abilities of the character in question as well as the main characteristics that define and identify him.


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