Definition of school - What is it, Meaning and Concept

Before proceeding to determine the meaning of the term school, it is necessary to establish what is its etymological origin.In this case, it must be stated that it is a word of Galician-Portuguese origin, since it derives from “cardume” , which is used to refer to a group of fish.

Word that is the result of the sum of two clearly defined parts:-The noun "card", which comes to mention a brush with spikes of wires that can resemble a set of fish.-The suffix "-ume".

Shoal is a collective noun : a word that, in the singular, refers to a set of elements.In this case, the concept refers to a grouping of fish .

For example: "I suggest you fish further north: there you will find a large school of silversides" , "The boy was surprised to see the school in the lake" , “There is not a school on this river! I think we're going to go hungry today.”.

A school can be said to be a school of fish .However, the notion of bank It is often used to mention a group of fish that belong to the same species and swim synchronously.Shoals, on the other hand, can be composed of fish of different species.

The formation of shoals meets several biological criteria.When fish move together, they improve their defense against possible predators and, in turn, increase their own chances of obtaining food.a school, in addition, fish can find companions more easily.

The fact that fish swim synchronously and move together makes the school a species of unity, that is, beyond being made up of hundreds or thousands of individual copies, the school seems to act as a single organism.

One of the most curious data of the school is that it is considered that the fish when moving in this way save energy and effort.In particular, each fish, by taking advantage of the waves caused by the one in front of it by its movement, will have to make less effort.Exactly the studies carried out in this regard indicate that it allows each individual to save up to 65% of energy.

It should be noted that, in some countries, a accumulation or agglomeration of elements is called school, in accordance with the provisions of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) in his dictionary: "A school of technology companies was installed in the city thanks to the tax benefits" , "The festival will feature the performance of a school of international stars" .

In the same way, we cannot ignore that Cardumen is the name of a Digital Marketing company that specializes in aspects such as web development, brand and content, digital transformation, SEO, SEM or the digital strategy.

There is also a Capital Bank that is a Spanish fund that is in charge of investing in companies of different types, specifically those that are related to the field of technology, such as the case of those that revolve around artificial intelligence.
