Definition of rudimentary - What it is, Meaning and Concept

Rudimentario is an adjective that refers to what is linked to the rudimento .This term, from the Latin rudimentum , mention a precarious or imperfect development ; the primordial state of a being; or the first investigations of a scientific or professional discipline.

For example: “The singer confessed that, as a teenager, he lived in a rudimentary house without electricity or drinking water since his family did not have money ”, “ It's a fairly rudimentary and elementary project: I don't think I can prosper with those characteristics ”, “ I'm tired of rudimentary films with basic stories and such mediocre performances ”.

The rudimentary can be linked to something material or physical .A rudimentary construction is one that does not have a solid structure and, therefore, therefore, it could collapse.A rudimentary device , meanwhile, has a very simple operation and is unlikely to serve to develop a complex task.

Many people see each other forced to live rudimentary homes , without supply of electricity or drinking water, with little stable foundations, walls unable to insulate cold and heat, and even with parts without roofing, among other features. needs considered basic by today's society, such a house is not suitable for the proper personal and professional development of an individual, since it can have a negative impact on various aspects of his life, such as his health physical (in the absence of protection against it as inclement weather) and their participation in certain social activities (this eventually affects their mental health).

When an individual is accused of rudimentary, they will be referring to their alleged lack of intelligence or their rustic behavior .One person may accuse another of being rudimentary for considering that his tastes and interests are basic and little varied, that his way of thinking is closed and macho and that he does nothing for his intellectual development.

While the notion of rudimentary used in this context can be subjective, since each individual has their own point of view based on certain parameters, it is normal for the person who receives it to feel insulted.In other fields, a rudimentary being does not have many skills, is not able to perform tasks of great complexity or set interesting goals, but leads a very simple life with little or no vision for the future.

Throughout the process of learning a discipline, it is usually started by the concepts considered rudimentary, that is, the basic ones for that the student can approach knowledge easily and not feel overwhelmed.Consequently, if it is a practical subject, the exercises that can be done at the beginning will also be rudimentary.

For example, computer programming is a complex process that can lead to a host of products, ranging from a simple mobile application to a system used for the security of a company.Most capable programmers, those who learn self-taught and in a short time manage to create advanced software, start with small programs that can be categorized as rudimentary, such as one that simply prints a text message on the screen or one that asks the user to enter of two numbers and then return the sum of both.

A science or an activity , finally, is in a rudimentary stage when the first studies of his field of knowledge: “A few years ago, quantum physics had a rudimentary development, but now we have very important knowledge that allowed us to create very innovative machines” , “This town, two years ago centuries, developed a rudimentary agriculture ”.
