Definition of septicemia - What it is, Meaning and Concept

Septicemia is a concept that comes from the Greek language and refers, according to its etymological root, to a blood corruption .Specifically, we can determine that It is a term that was cradled by the French scientist and physician Pierre-Adolphe Piorry (1794-1879).I form it from three components of the Greek language:-"Septo", which can be translated as "I rot".-" Hema ”, which is synonymous with“ blood ”.-The suffix“-ia ”, which is used to indicate action and quality.

Septicemia, therefore, is a health disorder that occurs from the emergence of toxins or pathogens in the blood flow .

Also known as sepsis , septicemia is a response of the organism to the presence of toxins or pathogens in the blood .It can be understood as a reaction against infection , triggered by the immune system with a defensive end.

Septicemia is usually caused by bacteria .By circulating through the vessels, they are infected, something that can be seen on the skin from the spots or marks that generate the organism , in this situation, responds with an uncontrolled inflammatory reaction that causes various processes and can even lead to death.

It is also known by the name of bacteraemia with sepsis or toxemia and you have behind it a long list of curiosities or unknown aspects, among which are the following:-You can start with something as seemingly unimportant as a simple cut on a finger.-It is considered that it affects about 20 million people worldwide every year.-Currently it has been affirmed, with the figures in hand, that it is more deadly than prostate cancer or breast cancer.-It is established that it becomes the main infection in terms of the number of deaths worldwide.-At the moment, it has been made public that in the countries most affected by sepsis are both Colombia and Brazil and Haiti.

Doctors consider that there are a number of signs that should be given warning because they can clearly indicate that septicemia is suffered.In particular, among those are muscle aches, frequent chills, appearance of spots on the skin or discoloration of the skin, sensation of confusion, serious difficulties to be able to speak or even to breathe...

Among the consequences of septicemia, are tachycardia, increased temperature of the body , the appearance of fever and hypotension.If septicemia persists and worsens, it can lead to septic shock causing death due to a multi-organ failure (different organs fail simultaneously).

To treat septicemia, doctors must find and face the origin of the infection that I derive in the picture.Meanwhile, they have to work for the body to maintain its vital functions.The use of antibiotics to combat the infection , the supply of drugs to increase Blood pressure and mechanical respiratory assistance are some of the measures that can be taken to reverse septicemia.
