Meaning of Attitude - What it is, Definition and Concept

Attitude is a kind of learned predisposition or tendency to respond in a characteristic way in certain situations.It is our emotional response to the circumstances of life.

Although the term belongs to the field of psychology , there is no unified definition about it, but many agree that attitude is the manifestation of a state of mind.

We can affirm that attitude is a mental disposition that is formed from experience, that directs the answers exerting an influence on the behavior and reactions of the individual , whether positive or negative, with respect to any aspect of the social world.

According to Rick Astley "the attitude is a inner feeling expressed in the behavior ".

And Carl Jung said that "to have an attitude is to be willing to a certain thing, that is, to have a priori a direction towards a certain purpose" always presupposing the presence of a subjective constellation of factors that determine this or that interpretation of the external stimulus, or this or that direction of the activity.

Attitudes determine people's mood; That is why the formation of healthy attitudes for the balance of people, and favorable for the development of society, is one of the objectives of education.

In sociology , the attitude is linked to a set of values ​​and beliefs stable over time, which an individual, group or genre feels at certain stimuli.that a behavior be considered, for example, as a male attitude or a woman's attitude.

The body postures also express our attitudes.A threatening attitude will result in an aggressive posture, and can respond to a defense mechanism or a form of intimidation.

Attitudes are not isolated but must be viewed within a social context, highlighting three components:

  • A behavioral element , that is, the way attitudes are expressed.

  • An emotional element , which refers to the person's feelings.

  • A cognitive element , which refers to the individual's thoughts.

Attitudes are acquired throughout life and are influenced by the beliefs, relationships and experiences that drive people to act in different ways in the same situations.

Specialists have classified attitudes into different types, such as selfish, manipulative, altruistic, emotional, integrative attitudes, among others.There is a innate predisposition to act in a certain way before certain stimuli but there is another acquired according to the values ​​that the individual builds throughout life.

The person with a positive attitude will have an optimistic and fighting vision in the face of adversity; the negative attitude will generate an anguished or aggressive reaction to the same situation.For example, when the news of a serious illness occurs, the positive person will ask what the treatment is to heal, and the refusal will refuse to receive help just trying to get upset and cry.

Synonyms of attitude

disposition, attitude, behavior, behavior, position, gesture, bearing, appearance

Antonimos of attitude

imposture, dwarf, flaunting, pretending, bending
