What is Cohesion? »Its Definition and Meaning [2019]

Cohesion comes from the Latin "cohaesum, supine de cohaerēre, being united" , this refers to the force between the particles that hold the parts of a substance together, the cohesion is diverse to the adhesion because of the energy of the uptake between the adjacent parts within the same body unlike the adhesion which is the reciprocal action, relationship or influence between two or more entities or things on the surfaces of different bodies.

In the water the energy of cohesion is high because of the hydrogen bridges which are chemical elements of symbol H and atomic number 1 ; which is a colorless and lighter gas than air, which enters into the combination of many organic substances and a large number of inorganic substances , combined with oxygen, but also forms the water that holds the water particles tightly together, forming a organization that compacts and changes it into a liquid that is applied to the body that It cannot be compressed, but not being able to compress it can act in some animals as a hydrostatic skeleton that is relative to the equilibrium of the glass of the gases and the bodies that float in them, just as it can happen in some drilling worms capable of opening the rock due to the pressure generated by their internal liquids.

In this area you can find various types of cohesion such as ground cohesion , social cohesion, textual cohesion, force of cohesion .

Cohesion of the land , is the property by which the land molecules are held together by virtue of internal forces that are needed among other things of the number of contact points that each participates has with its inhabitants.

Social Cohesion , in sociology it is the degree of consensus that is an agreement between two or more entities around a topic where the members of a social group or the perception of belonging to a common project or situation that is a measure of intensity where the Social interaction within the group can be measured with a classification test or simply explained or defined for each case.

Textual Cohesion is a well-constituted property of the texts which allows you to understand the unit entities of a method where the different secondary ideas rong> provide relevant information to reach the main idea or topic , so that the reader can find the full meaning of the writing.

Cohesive force which are the forces that hold the particles together, but it is also the act or property of the particles of how they can stick together being attractive forces.
