Radio script definition

A script can be a text or script that specifies the contents and details necessary for a work to be developed or a broadcast of television , cinema , theater or radio .This writing acts as a guide for those who participate in the work in question.

Radio , meanwhile, is a concept with numerous meanings.In this case we are interested in highlighting the meaning as radio receiver (the device used to pick up the waves emitted by a radio transmitter and transform them into sound).By extension, it is known as a radio to the media related to this technology .

A radio script , therefore, is a script used in the context of a radio broadcast.In the script, they are expressed the indications to follow the technical operator and the broadcasters .For example: “The radio director asked me for a script and some recordings to analyze if our program can fit into your station ”, “ Do you have the script at hand? The operator wants to see it before starting the broadcast ”, “ The journalism teacher taught us how to make a radio script ”.

The radio script, in general, is divided into three columns .In the first, the block time is indicated ( "9:30 to 9:45" or “15 minutes” ).The second one is for the technical operator, who must be in charge of managing the program , airing the background music and the effects of sound ( “Track 5 Disco 1” , “File No.2” , etc.) The third and last column is the one that corresponds to the announcers and journalists ( "Interview with Mr.Brunetti" , "Debate on the labor law" ).

It is possible to talk about several types of radio script, according to three points of view, which are set out below:

* According to the information it contains:

+ Literary script

It is the one that puts the text that the locution team should read ahead of you and that does not include the technical annotations that make the planning or the assembly figures, for example, since it simply indicates (usually in capital letters ) the moments in which music and sound effects should be played.In addition, it also indicates indications such as the mood that the speakers should represent.

+ Technical script

The technical indications have the prominence in this type of radio script, while the verbal text receives a moderate and almost symbolic importance; for example, it is possible that instead of the textual lines, the idea is indicated in a couple of words (such as “news body”, instead of the news itself).In today's radio this is the type of script more used.

+ Technical-literary script

Contains as much information as possible, combining the two types just exposed.

* Depending on the possibility of modifying it:

+ Open script

It is created to be altered during the broadcast of a program, so it is characterized by being very flexible.

+ Closed script

As the name implies, it does not support changes.

* According to its form:

+ American script

It consists of a single column and uses indented paragraphs to separate the technical indications from the textual ones.The technical annotations are underlined and the names of the announcers, in capital letters.On the other hand, a certain one is usually reserved margin to the left for potential annotations or alterations.

+ European script

Unlike the American, the European radio script has two columns or more.The first (found on the left) is used for technical indications; the one or the other are used for the full text of the speakers and for all issues related to the content.
