What is puma? »Its Definition and Meaning [2019]

The puma is an animal which belongs to the family of the big cats and is grouped in the Mammalia genus, this animal can be found mostly in state wild, this receives the name of puma concolor in the scientific community.This is characterized by being a mammal that bases its diet mainly on meat, for which it uses the use of its strength and agility to hunt other animals.In many places in the world it is known by the name of puma or lion of the mountains, the region of the planet of which it is native is America where it occupies the second place among the big cats followed by the jaguar .Unlike many other relatives, the puma is not in danger.

This magnificent animal is among the 5 largest felines in the world, followed by specimens such as the lion, tiger, leopard and jaguar, the puma can have an estimated size of 1.75 with an approximate weight that ranges from 60 to 100 kilos.With respect to its hunting method, this is usually a very patient hunter, who can watch his prey for a long time waiting for the moment perfect for attacking r, in addition to this its way of hunting is characterized by avoiding direct confrontations with the prey, for which it uses ambush as the main weapon, it is for that reason that its habitat is usually flora and fauna very populated so that it goes unnoticed by its prey, however its presence in areas of poor vegetation cannot be ruled out.

Those specimens that are located at a smaller distance from the line of Ecuador are smaller in size compared to those located in the polar regions, anatomically speaking how much with strong limbs and together with their teeth they mean a death s ura for their prey, they are very skilled can jump to distances that exceed 5 meters during a race and in a calm state they can reach 10 meters.Their diet is very varied, they can feed on both large-sized animals such as deer, as well as they can do it of insects.
