Meaning of Companerism - What it is, Definition and Concept

Companerism is a feeling of affection or appreciation for someone else, sharing their achievements and helping to achieve them. It is a positive attitude born from time-share and physical proximity, which they make the bond with the other valued.In social groups, companerism is a feeling of integration and unity with the group.

Companerism is an important value in the education since it plays an unquestionable role throughout the stages of our life.It may be the belonging to a social group , the work environment, school, university or any other field.a value that helps improve our relationship with others and with society in general.

Companions allow us to share, work as a team , find solutions to the problems presented more easily, make decisions enriched by other points of view, to integrate and help each other others in different aspects, whether professional, emotional, work, economic.

Companions are a concept associated with the empathy, understanding and honesty of people who are interested in the welfare of the other. It is not just a cordial link among the members of a group, but it involves sincerity, solidarity, friendship and loyalty between partners.

Companions are the people who march together for a common purpose , forming some kind of group, community or team.Companerism is the link that unites the companions.

Companerismo implies respect for the opinion of others, knowing how to listen, dialogue, understand and communicate to have a harmonious coexistence. Companerismo is cohesion, emotional and physical union , sharing time and interests united by the same reason, sacrificing for each other and forming indestructible bonds of friendship.

Synonyms of companionship

camaraderie, fraternity, compadrazgo, solidarity

Antonimos of companerismo

