Meaning of Teacher - What it is, Definition and Concept

Teacher is called the person who provides teaching, whom he teaches.It is a word of Latin origin that derives from magister or magis which means « more» .The word is also used in reference to a production or masterpiece that is characterized by its virtues.

Master is the person empowered with knowledge and the necessary capacity to teach education with scientific, mathematical, historical, technical, linguistic or artistic content.

But we also refer to the term master, to whom in addition to transmitting technical knowledge, they have exemplary behavior and a way of life according to ethics, both human and professional.

In basic or primary education schools, where schooling is mandatory , educational needs are formally met by teachers, who have trained academically in teaching .

Some teachers are assigned to special education institutes in support of students with special needs, and others to adult education centers and social security education programs.

Unlike teachers, who deal with the education at universities and higher institutes of education, teachers are responsible for teaching in childhood from 3 years to adolescence that ends at approximately 17 years.

Also the term teacher applies to all those who teach the disciplines that are learned in externally to formal education , such as drawing, painting, dance , art, theater, sports.

The academic training of which teachers realize, not only focuses on specialized content in the specific subject or discipline but also study didactic and pedagogical subjects that allow them to teach in a professional way and address the learning process.

However, society admits the use of the term master to refer to people who have transmitted values ​​through the example , and life teachings that transcend formal knowledge.
