Meaning of Decent Death - What it is, Definition and Concept

Decent death is a concept that explains the right of every person with a terminal illness to die without pain or intrusive medical intervention , that is, to allow a natural death without prolonging life artificially.

Worthy death is also known as orthothanasia and in it the medical treatment is only palliative to ensure that the person is comfortable and painless, leaving aside the use of respirators and resuscitation techniques.

Decent death is often confused with assisted death, the difference between orthothanasia and euthanasia is that in the first one there is no intervention to anticipate the death of the person , while in the second one Help die.

The dignified death seeks a comfortable natural death without artificial intervention to prolong life

According to the country the dignified death is a legal right of each person who must make known his intention before the doctors or a notary , and if you are not physically able to do so, the family can make the decision.

Those who opt for a dignified death can choose what type of medical intervention they are willing to accept and that go from none to pain control or use of partial respiratory assistance, among others.

To ensure dignified death there are specialists in palliative medicine who work with terminally ill patients to ensure a natural death without suffering , which under the circumstances may occur outside the hospital, either at home of the patient or in a specialized institution.

Orthothanasia derives from the Greek terms orthos (adjusted to reason) and thanatos (death) , giving way to a concept about the right to die with dignity without extending life artificially prolonging the inevitable.

The patient must make clear his desire to have a dignified death in advance , there are countries where people can do so even if they are not sick by advance directives or, if they are aware and in full use of your reason to make your wishes known to the medical staff.

According to the legislation of the country, the family can also request the non-use or cessation of artificial treatments to prolong life when the patient is not in a position to do it himself.

Palliative treatment for the terminally ill only seeks comfort and pain control, if third-party interventions accelerate an inevitable death, it is faced with euthanasia or assisted death which is illegal in the most countries.

If a patient made clear his desire for a dignified death and doctors do not respect his instructions, he is facing physical aggression , as long as the legislation authorizes orthothanasia and does not force professionals of health to make every effort to keep a person alive.

Examples of dignified death

  • Before his diagnosis of terminal cancer Juan indicated to the doctors that he wants a dignified death at home

  • Palliative medicine makes dignified death possible

  • Pedro rejected the use of an artificial respirator to allow the dignified death of his father

Synonyms of dignified death

orthothanasia, death without pain, death without suffering
